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Restaurant Entropy

Frans, Modern | €€€ | Menu
9,1 (31 reviews)
90% aanbevolen

Wat 31 mensen zeggen over Restaurant Entropy

9.1 Gebaseerd op 31 reviews. 90% van de gasten raden dit restaurant aan.
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"Belle découverte"
8.7 Keuken 9 | Service 9 | Sfeer 8

Excellents produits, service attentionné et efficace mais........très cher !

Ariane Maes op 23 maart 2024

"Not as expected, expensive and underwhelming "
6.0 Keuken 4 | Service 6 | Sfeer 8

There was only one dish that amazed me with its creative use of different ingredients, flavours, and textures, as you'd expect from a high-end place like this. All other dishes were underwhelming, just the pure vegetable flavour and texture. A really good asparagus is still just an asparagus. While I would get this ...

Lees hele review

There was only one dish that amazed me with its creative use of different ingredients, flavours, and textures, as you'd expect from a high-end place like this. All other dishes were underwhelming, just the pure vegetable flavour and texture. A really good asparagus is still just an asparagus. While I would get this basic concept, I felt ripped off to pay such a high price for it. Wines are also not worth it. Unfortunate, because the people are nice, the effort is there, but it's the food we pay for. Service was unprepared and slow, we got bored and hungry. Kind, but not what is needed. I really wanted to love this, but I didn't.

Alias op 23 maart 2024

10.0 Keuken 10 | Service 10 | Sfeer 10

Difficile de savoir par où commencer. Les parfums, les saveurs progressives ou soudaines, les textures, les couleurs, les formes, les descriptions détaillées par le chef, l’harmonie des vins, le calme en salle et l’orchestration discrète en cuisine, nous etions au ciel.

Le chef laisse place au temps pour permettr...

Lees hele review

Difficile de savoir par où commencer. Les parfums, les saveurs progressives ou soudaines, les textures, les couleurs, les formes, les descriptions détaillées par le chef, l’harmonie des vins, le calme en salle et l’orchestration discrète en cuisine, nous etions au ciel.

Le chef laisse place au temps pour permettre aux ingrédient de de jouer la surprise en plus de la qualité, par le fumage, l’infusion, la décoction…

Et quelle inventivité !

Clémentine Olivier op 23 maart 2024

"Mind blowing experience"
9.3 Keuken 10 | Service 10 | Sfeer 8

We had an excellent time at the Entropy, full of surprises. The story is well written and executed over the different courses. Tastes are original/different but excellent. And the wine pairing was exquisite.

We were two people, at the "bar" and we had the full 6 courses menu with wine pairing.
Colin, one of the...

Lees hele review

We had an excellent time at the Entropy, full of surprises. The story is well written and executed over the different courses. Tastes are original/different but excellent. And the wine pairing was exquisite.

We were two people, at the "bar" and we had the full 6 courses menu with wine pairing.
Colin, one of the waiter, did an excellent job at setting a relaxed atmosphere. Great experience, we do recommend.

Yohan Btq op 22 maart 2024

"Une fête de goûts"
10.0 Keuken 10 | Service 10 | Sfeer 10

Une extraordinaire palette de couleurs, de textures et de sensations, avec autant de créativité et de gentillesse dans les idées que dans l'accueil et les explications qui entourent les plats/le vin. Merci pour ces découvertes et pour l'espace de tolérance que vous créez.

Violaine op 16 maart 2024

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Over Restaurant Entropy

Keuken: Frans, Modern

In het hart van Brussel nodigen chef Elliott Van de Velde en zijn team u uit om hun intuïtieve en bewuste gastronomische universum te ontdekken. Omdat de creativiteit geen grenzen kent, streeft restaurant Entropy naar een meer circulair en rechtvaardig voedselsysteem. Het volledig benutten van het potentieel van de natuur staat centraal. Dit vindt Entropy zo belangrijk dat alle winst wordt gedoneerd aan het VZW Hearth Project dat strijdt tegen voedselverspilling en sociale onzekerheid. Dit concept wordt ondersteund door wereldwijde gastronomische kennis opgedaan bij verschillende restaurants op sterrenniveau door de chef's. Maak nu kennis en geniet op hoog niveau in een ongedwongen sfeer bij restaurant Entropy.

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